Tuesday, September 14, 2010

life post.

My life is composed of nothing but work and school. This is probably the busiest, yet most relaxing semester I have ever had. Although I don't ever have a day off to unwind, I think its best that way. Otherwise I would probably be to anxious or become irresponsible. Yes, I would like to go out and get crazy now and again, but age is slowly creeping on me and my hangovers have become unbearable leaving me incapacitated for usually a full 24 hours. Right now with the way my life is, I cannot afford to miss a single day. I have no time to feel like shit.
The disadvantages of being so busy are defiantly a bummer. However, I have my goals for school, work, and my life after school, and they are looking pretty good right now so the faster I can finish this up the better.

Ive recently been giving a good consideration to studying abroad this summer in Paris. Its going to be a good bit of cash, but from what I have heard you get a reasonable amount of it covered by grants and scholarships strictly for study abroad programs. It would be in Paris for two weeks taking two classes, one advanced studies (if not two) and/or one art history. Costs include flight, room/board, most meals, and museum/exploration expenses. The the additional tuition fees. It is something that I want to do before I graduate and well, I graduate Fall 2011, so summer would be the last chance I have.

I am really looking forward to graduating. I am doing fairly well at staying calm when it comes to my plans for making a living outside of school. I get asked so often, "What are you going to do with your degree once you graduate?" My answer is always the same, "I have no idea." Because I am just going to see what I can do when it comes time. I am already doing a lot to prepare myself by doing internships, volunteer work, working at the galleys on campus, entering shows, networking, etc. So I am hoping that that kind of experience will help me get a good start.

I have my fears about it and I am a little anxious, but I think after I graduate I might try out the west coast for a while and move to southern California. We will see what is in store for me there. My boyfriend is out there now and we have been talking about the future (which is kinda odd for me to even be thinking that far ahead) but I am really happy with him and things are just amazing. I miss him a lot, but with all that I have going on it really helps me to keep myself in check with school and what I need to get done right now. I am motivated to finish quickly and head west. Its going to come fast so its probably time I start saving up money, like, NOW. Also, there is still a good bit of mental preparation I need to do before I take this huge leap of faith.

I spent a good 3 weeks out there and we went to a lot of different places and I really just loved the air, the weather, and the fact that everything was 40 minutes away or less. Beach, mountains, river, lakes, shopping, good eats, everything. I love Georgia for different reasons, but lets face it..I have lived in the same place for going on 24 years and I think its about time I expand my horizons and try something new for a while.

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