Tuesday, October 21, 2008

stop the homework waterfall!

School is making me lose my mind. I am extremely behind right now and have a lot of catching up to do in Drawing 1 and 2D design. My 2D teacher is a fucking basket case. She is so scatter brained and just makes us do the most pointless assignments that are seriously the biggest waste of time and money. I just don't understand how she functions. I don't think she would be a bad teacher but to me it seems as though she just has way to much shit to do and isn't really getting personal with her classes at all and really doesn't take into account what we have been or are doing while she isn't teaching. While I am working really hard to put a lot of time and effort into my drawings and projects for my studio classes, I am really neglecting my economics and art history classes. I skip way to much because I really feel like they are pointless to sit through and my teachers don't take roll seriously and my economics teacher puts her notes on web CT.

However, despite my reoccurring absence I managed to cram study and made an A on my art history test today. I was really surprised because there was four chapters of endle
ss information to study.
I have a test in economics next Tuesday and I am hoping to do the same!

The L5P Halloween parade was last Saturday. It was pretty rad. I went with Kayley this year and we met up with Kassie and Josh. Kassie was dressed like a huge round watermelon.... hahaha
Poff and JB met up with us later and Aaron came
way later. I love the parade its always so much fun. You can bring your own beer and just drink in the street all day and night. Its a good time if you know how to control yourself. However, the end of the night turned sower the later it got. We hung out behind stratosphere like we do usually every year after the parade because they get kegs and people come to hang out and kick it. But it just gets worse and worse every year. Seems like no one can just drink and have a good time anymore with out trying to fight people and compensate for the size of their dick. I mean really. They are all a bunch of oafatic ignoramus jocks.

I love Halloween. It is the best holiday of t
he year! The weather is nice, the air is great, and it feels like things sort of slow down a little bit. And best of all...I get an excuse to dress up like a zombie!!!!
I have no idea what I am going to do yet for actual Halloween. It's on a Friday this year so that's cool cause that means everyone is going to be down to party!
I figured when I get my own house I might have a little problem around this time of year because I know I am going to want to decorate the shit out of my house and make it as creepy on the outside as possible. But when you decorate your house it's basically an open invite to kids that your down to give out candy. I am not down. My plan is to just fertilize my lawn for two months before that and not cut my grass so by the time Halloween rolls around my grass will be four feet tall and be infested with creepy crawlers. It's full proof!

For the night of Halloween I need my drinks all night to be orange. Liquor or beer, doesn't matter.
Oh! I just thought of the one thing that sucks about Halloween...stupid gir
ls in slutty costumes. WHY??????!!

Here's more photos from the L5P Halloween Parade 08:

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